Top 10k strings from Alfa Soft - Buffalo Stance (1989)(Alfa Soft).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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1 Hello and welcome to my (I'm The One And Only ALFA SOFT!) 3rd demo, but my first with scrolling text. This time I've sampled and mixed Neneh Cherry's marvellous song "Buffalo Stance". I should have put a picture of her on the screen, but as I haven't got one (and as I'm not a very good artist), I've just used my logo 1 FRODE TENNEBO 1 FGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDED 1 ? To TUC: I've seen your Ultima 2 demo. It's good, but you are cheating - using the ZX Compiler!!!! 1 6700 MAALOY 1 .or get it from yourcontact) and I'll credit you in my next demo. 1 .No more room left 1 To SSC: I haven't seen your "work" lately (Thank God!), have you gone under cover 1 To Jan-Ivar and Red Devils: I would like to getin touch with you! 1 Some words about myself: I used to crack games, but I've dropped that and bagun making demos (for the time beeing). To be continued 1 Sgt. Pepper (How do you like this one?)., DACK & ZERO (You'r gonna' get competition (Has DACK moved to L.A???)!)., Stig B., Geir S., Vidar W., Per M.T., Baard K. (I'm waiting...), Frank T., Jardar L. (Ain't you fed up with your AMIGA by now???) and Jakub J. 1 Press any key to hear sample 1 If anybody wants to contribute music, graphix or routines, just send it along (somewhere in this demo you'll find my address 1 *** GREETINGS ***